Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Do squirrels use their tail as a way to communicate to other species?

                It has been found that tail movements are a way for squirrels to communicate to each other.  However, it is not known if squirrels use their tails to communicate with other species.  I hypothesize that a squirrel will display similar tail movements in the presence of other species that they display when other squirrels are around.
Materials and Methods
                The squirrels will first need to have their tail movements recorded while they are around other squirrels and an ethogram will need to be made from these tail movements.  The squirrels will then need to be isolated from each other.  Then different species (a human, cat, dog…) will be made visible to each squirrel and the tail behaviors recorded.  Also, the squirrels’ tail behavior will need to be recorded when they are alone to determine if there are movements that they perform with their tails that are not forms of communication.  A t-test would be used for statistical analysis.

Prado, Mickey. "A Statistical Analysis and Decoding of the Tail Communication System
of Eastern Gray Squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis)." Web. 19 Apr. 2011. <http://www.amstat.org/education/posterprojects/projects/2008/7-Grades10-12-ThirdPlace.pdf>.

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